Prague: Modletice 127, 251 01 Říčany
Non-stop line: +420 724 555 333

7:00 - 15:00

Monday - Friday

Modletice 127

251 01 Říčany (Praha)

+420 724 555 333

BTK Servis CZ s.r.o.

BTK servis CZ provides transport refrigeration and air conditioning service for vehicles. Although BTK servis CZ mainly represents the THERMO KING brand, it also performs repairs, post-warranty service and inspections for other brands on the Czech market (Konvekta, Carrier, Webasto).



Our main advantage is a quick response to your requests.


Significant discounts

In case of long-term cooperation, we provide significant discounts.


Great prices

We offer competitive prices for work compared to our competitors.


Qualified employees

Our employees are regularly educated and trained to provide you with the best service.

We offer
Service services

Our service includes complete care for transport refrigeration and air conditioning. We provide warranty and post-warranty service for leading brands, assembly and overhaul of refrigeration units, installation of air conditioning units in vehicles and transfers of units between vehicles. We also offer deliveries of FNA/FRC cabinets, sale of original spare parts and continuous road service 24 hours a day.

Service Image

Transport refrigeration service

Warranty and post-warranty service of transport refrigeration units.

  • ThermoKing
  • Webasto
  • Carrier (after-warranty service only)

Transport refrigeration service

Warranty and post-warranty service of transport refrigeration units.

Service Image

Installation and service

Installation and service of air conditioning systems in vehicles

  • passenger cars, trucks, trams, buses

Installation and service

Installation and service of air conditioning systems in vehicles

Service Image

Repairs of refrigerated superstructures

We offer professional repairs of refrigeration units of all types.

  • compressor overhauls
  • broken equipment

Repairs of refrigerated superstructures

We offer professional repairs of refrigeration units of all types.

We educate our employees

The quality of the services offered and customer satisfaction is constantly improved through professional training of employees of
BTK servis CZ s.r.o.

In the period 2019 – 2021, the company is implementing a comprehensive training project with the support of the European Social Fund (OP Employment).

All employees of the company will participate in the project, who, according to their professional focus, will complete various courses in the field of IT, economics, professional courses for the field of refrigeration and air conditioning service of vehicles, and language courses. V období 2019 – 2021 společnost realizuje s podporou Evropského sociálního fondu (OP Zaměstnanost) komplexní vzdělávací projekt.

Do projektu se zapojí všichni zaměstnanci společnosti, kteří dle svého profesního zaměření absolvují různé kurzy z oblasti IT, ekonomie, odborné kurzy pro oblast servisu chlazení a klimatizací dopravních prostředků a jazykové kurzy.

Transport refrigeration service
Price list

The prices listed are for guidance only and only the most common items have been selected, so please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for your price. The prices listed are excluding 21% VAT. Prices vary if the work is performed during working hours (Mon-Fri: 7am-3pm) or as emergency work.

Technician's work

(hourly rate)

850,- Kč


Technician's work

(hourly rate)

1150,- Kč

Truck, Trailer, Bus


(defect detection)

1 200,- Kč

Van, truck, bus, trailer

Práce technika

(hodinová sazba)

590,- Kč

Van, truck, bus

Práce technika

(hodinová sazba)

630,- Kč



(zjištění závady)

1 200,- Kč

Van, truck, bus, trailer

BTK Servis CZ s.r.o.
Contacts and information

    BTK servis CZ s.r.o.

    Modletice 127
    251 01 Říčany (Prague)
    Czech Republic

    IČ: 24782785
    DIČ: CZ24782785

    File number: C 173844 kept at the Municipal Court in Prague

    Transport refrigeration service manager

    Michal Hanžl
    Tel.: +420 283 111 222
    Fax: +420 283 111 202


    BTK Servis CZ s.r.o.
    Our service centers
    Workplace address Prague

    BTK servis CZ s.r.o.
    Modletice 127
    251 01 Říčany (Prague)
    Czech Republic

    Tel.: +420 724 555 333